This resource is created by targets, for targets of electromagnetic assaults, directed energy weapons, and neuroweapons aka psychotronics. CliffsNotes in hierarchical outline format, on staying alive and well, while being targeted by deniable, covert technologies, that civilian accessible institutions widely assume to be mental illness.

The information is this chapter is intended to be a high level overview for readers that have never been targeted or have little knowledge about the scope of electromagnetic capabilities and psychological warfare toolkits. Current technology is being used to continuously harass and abuse individuals, and this subreddit is intended to provide relief via educational resources and understandings of the meta game.

Comments (28)

Harassment Overview

Using currently existing technology, the perpetrators/operators of the described capabilities, have the ability to:

All of the above capabilities can be inflicted on anyone, completely remotely (without local EEG electrodes), without ever physically touching or requiring implants in a target, sometimes called "no touch torture".
Essentially these capabilities mean that your senses can be deceived (or real pain and suffering inflicted) at any time by these technologies. Many of these capabilities have already been automated with a program or AI that handles repetitive tasks and common tactics.

The capabilities and illusions are crafted to attempt to create chaos in a target's life, by both making a target react to sensations and audio that were not actually in the environment (and were not hallucinations, but manufactured by technology), and by making people within proximity of a target experience what sounds like a target speaking or making disruptive noises, that did not emanate from the target, but from precise pulses of electromagnetic energy that are triggered only when within range.

The takeaway from this should be the understanding that stronger standards of evidence should be sought out and demanded going forward. Targets and society must learn not to accept sensory input as evidence or undeniable proof of claims.

Common Symptoms & Misattributions:
- Hearing intense ultrasonic noise, with no CFLs or causes for tinnitus.
- Experiencing what sounds like neighbors verbally harassing you through the wall, floor, or ceiling of your apartment, and then discovering no one is home, with no family or personal history of auditory hallucinations.
- Feeling painful pulsing/spike sensations on your body and organs.
- Feeling the sensation of directed heat or overheating, when others in the same room are comfortable, sometimes with flushing and skin reddening.
- Being subject to synthetic telepathy, with psychological warfare and impersonation tactics, which can be believed to be a selection process or natural cognitive ability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What did targets do to deserve this?

A: That reaction is called victim blaming, and assumes that targets of these technologies must have committed some heinous act that would authorize the perpetrators to use these psychological warfare capabilities.

When I began experiencing the described technologies, I had a single speeding ticket on my record, and zero private activities that any rational person would consider illegal or unethical.
I suspect that cannabis consumption may play a role in target selection, due to reports from other targets, and the federal scheduling and provisions in the Gun Control Act. I'm in the cannabis legalized state of Washington, and am unwilling to permanently abstain due to anonymous covert threats, and all of my firearms were obtained legally through a FFL before I started legally consuming cannabis, meaning I've never lied on the 4473.

Even given the above, which doesn't apply to many targets, anyone that thinks that someone deserves to be essentially tortured with the described technologies, merely from being on the wrong watch lists, or by offending the wrong person, with no legal recourse to be removed from said lists or social circles, can kindly go hang themselves and make the world a better place.

Q: Isn't this schizophrenia or hallucinations?

A: This subreddit is describing sophisticated electromagnetic technologies used for psychological warfare, and while the perpetrators often attempt to mask the technologies by mimicking existing mental illnesses for deniability, targets may experience remote synthetic telepathy, V2K, or pulses of pain that are defeated with electromagnetic shielding, and not hallucinations that come from within their own brain that could be treated with medication.

When you consider that there are readily available products such as the audio spotlight that can allow one person to hear an audio channel that others cannot, and multiple patents regarding microwave hearing, and hundreds of microwave emitters around most population centers, there plausibly exists the technological means to evoke auditory illusions that only specific people can hear.

Some that are reading this information for the first time experience such intense cognitive dissonance that they are eager to dismissively discard what they've read, by blaming it away with mental illness, as it conflicts with their delusion that covert technologies like these are too cruel to be built, and because by accepting that it's a sophisticated technology, and not schizophrenia, they would have to accept that they too could be targeted with the same capabilities.

About The Author

Life long atheist, scientist, and skeptic.
Enemy of irrationality, faith, and mere opinion.
This guide has been incredibly difficult to write, without the usual smoking gun of irrefutable data. I'm prototyping V2K to provide a "smoking gun", as no one is sharing or demonstrating the apparently hush hush version: come lend a hand.
In a sense, this guide is a work of reverse engineering, where I started with my personal experience of being targeted with energy weapons, and worked backwards from known capabilities (that were aimed at me for years), into the most plausible sources, by eliminating others. Like thought experiment sudoku, with building blocks of technology, where I was able to construct a bigger message/picture that could reach other targets.

I've invested hundreds of hours of careful and deliberate critical thinking into this guide. It's intended to serve as distilled wisdom, from several years of directed energy abuse. When this started happening to me, I had no knowledge about this subject matter, and blamed myself after being dis-informed by Wikipedia. The denial of thinking "no one would do that to me" was very real. They would and they did, and not because of anything I had done.

Born and raised in Washington State, where I have also worked for my entire IT career. The severity of my abuse multiplied weeks after I turned down a full-time employee offer from Microsoft in late 2015. Ed Snowden's 2013 NSA leaks inspired me to leave the company.

I'm a privacy advocate, and a firearms advocate. I'm pro choice, pro revenge, and antifascism. I classify all holy books as totalitarian propaganda. Lover of curvy nerds and poly/open relationships.
Video games are a staple for me: Counter-Strike, Cities:Skylines, Civilization, Minecraft, WoW, Starcraft, Team Fortress, and GTA.
My favorite strain of cannabis is tangerine dream.
I've rejected my LDS extended family.

My family and the Kitsap county courts turned the survivable burden of being targeted, into an impossible nightmare, starting with a baseless protection order in early 2018. They made me homeless and defenseless, so I turned the tables in 2020, following continued threats: I commandeered their house (explanation thread).


From Alan AtKisson's Believing Cassandra:

You can analyse the composition of sugar, describe its effect on the pancreas, explain its metabolic pathways, catalogue its source, detail its history, report on its composition in foods; but this is only knowing about sugar. You don't really know sugar until you taste it. What Alan elegantly describes is a world that few of us can directly know. ... These are abstracts, concepts, and data that can eventually come to numb our sensibilities. And that is Cassandra's fate. Why would the Trojans want to hear of their looming destruction? Why would we want to hear of our own? If we stay with the myth, we can ask "how did Cassandra know?". One version has the snakes of Apollo's Temple licking her ears clean, after which she could "hear" the future. This ... book does just that: it licks our ears clean, and we see the future, luminous and clear.

You can analyse the components of neuroweapons, describe their effect on the brain, explain their carrier frequencies, catalog their sources, detail their history, report on the demographics among targets; but this is only knowing about neuroweapons. You don't really know neuroweapons until you experience them. What this guide describes is a world that few of us can directly know. And that is this guide's fate. Why would targets want to hear of their looming torment?

This guide is designed to "lick your ears clean", and allow you and other fellow targets to see a path into the future laid out before you, with pitfalls and land mines clearly marked, and now trivial to avoid, ensuring your survival. Learn from my past, so you do not have to suffer. I survived and so can you.
Thanks for reading my guide.

Content Warning

This guide is in no way a work of fiction.
It contains descriptions of psychological abuse, sexual assault (via directed energy), and torture techniques used on real people, so trigger warning for torture, rape, and abuse survivors.

Borrowing the graph from the COVID pandemic, I'm using it as an analogy for pacing yourself in the absorption of new knowledge. Similar to the way that the medical system's capacity would be overwhelmed with too many new patients at once, so would YOU be overwhelmed with too much information at once, if you were to read everything in a single sitting. I absorbed the knowledge and experiences that went into this guide over spans of months and years, so some content may seem fantastical to many, upon initial reading, with no firsthand experience.

Sometimes I may use funny or absurd references and phrases to lighten the mood, but make no mistake in assuming that I am ever just purely joking around. Using a dash of humor in this extremely dark subject matter, helps me cope as the author (after having survived this nightmare personally), as much as I hope it helps others to digest this content, without it being a purely depressing experience.

Quotes are often used to show that a word or phrase has a non-literal meaning, or is not as it appears to be. So when "aura" is used, it does NOT mean literal/actual/visible phenomenon, it means the concept of video game auras as an analogy for proximity triggered capabilities.


In computer programming/scripting, the variables can or must be assigned a scope of private, local, or global. These scopes determine if the data stored in the variable will be accessible by other parts of the program/script, or discarded in order to release the allocated memory.

This scoping concept is being recycled into an analogy to relate the possible source of our brains (internal/private) to the possible sources of nearby technology (external/local) and far-away/networked technology (external/global):
Private: Our brains, within our craniums.
Local: Our neighbors or localized hardware.
Global: Networked or satellite hardware.

If an energy weapon satellite constellation at the global scope were used to inflict directional V2K or auditory illusions on a target, they may mistakenly think that what they are hearing is coming from a neighbor, or folks in proximity, at the local scope, leading to confrontations that could have been avoided.

If a psychiatrist mistakes local/global scope capabilities of neuroweapons or directed energy weapons, as coming from a target's brain at the private scope, they would likely commit malpractice by diagnosing the target as delusional and hallucinating, and prescribe medication that will not be an effective treatment.

If a genuine schizophrenia sufferer mistakes their genuine hallucinations, coming from their brain, at the private scope, as energy weapons at the global scope, or as "gang stalkers" at the local scope, they would be wasting time chasing ghosts/stalkers that don't exist, or wasting money on electromagnetic shielding, to block signals/energy that aren't/isn't there.

It is completely unacceptable that the psychiatric establishment treats all of these scopes as private (or rather, these technology capabilities as purely delusional).

Dropped Cards

Similar to the excerpt from "they thought they were free", where A leads to B, and B leads to C, and C leads to D, and you are alarmist for calling out C or D, while still at A or B...

Folks in the early stages of targeting are very reluctant to believe the capabilities used on folks in the later stages...

For example, when I was being harassed with an ultrasonic noise and directional heating, and that was all that hit me for the first three years, it was extremely difficult to accept the more powerful capabilities of V2K and brain-reading (aka synthetic telepathy, when combined), because those cards had not been dropped on me yet -- those capabilities had not been used (or went unnoticed) or perhaps had not been authorized.

It's the same denial of "gas chambers are too cruel to be real" repackaged into the modern era as "neuroweapons are too cruel to be real". As a target, you will see folks react with tears, hysteria, and ANY OTHER EXCUSE before accepting the horrible truth. I really thought some of my fellow targets were genuinely mentally ill. Some of them are, but many are not, and more are not crazy than I could accept at the time.

Certain sets of capabilities may be used to purposefully socially isolate targets from each other, with the intention of making comparing notes about symptoms difficult or fruitless. Given a social circle, if the first used "cards" are still effective on one person, the operators may choose a different set of capabilities/symptoms for another person.

I urge fellow targets (and those on the fence) to meet folks outside your comfort zone. Go with a grain of salt, and your "shields up", as there can be bad actors. Meaning listen first, without spilling your guts, or believing everything you hear. There are target meetup events, and I regret that I have not been able to attend one.

Remember, just because you are "only" being "zapped", does not mean that the folks hearing V2K voices, are crazy. Likewise, just because you're "only" getting hit with V2K, does not make the synthetic telepathy/brain-reading targets crazy.

Primer on Targeting

Primer on unethical energy weapon testing.
Introduction to being targeted, with undeniable sources:

  2. Unethical human experimentation in the United States (Wikipedia)
  3. Pentagon: China and Russia are militarizing space with 'energy weapons'
  4., where V2K is a pulse-modulated RF/microwave band "energy weapon", around since the 1970s. These voice-to-skull devices cause "voices in your head" via the microwave auditory effect, at great range.

Unlike previous experimentation that took place in labs within physical locations, that involved drugs, contact, and surgery; energy weapons can be used on anyone, anywhere within range, making any building that's unshielded, into a lab.
From jail cells to court rooms, to apartments, to office cubes. These invisible weapons platforms use the same principle of electromagnetic waves shared by your microwave oven, smartphone, handheld radio, WiFi, and comms satellites. The only difference is far greater power amplification levels.

I'm asking folks to make two small, logical steps, by combining concepts from the above, undeniable sources: - Consider "zapping" symptoms to be the combination of directed energy weapons[1] and unethical experimentation[2].
- Consider "voices in your head" symptoms, that follow you around (when not genuine hallucinations, treatable with medication), to be the combination of "energy weapon" satellites[3], and a V2K payload[4], a pulse-modulated "energy weapon".

I get the impression that many folks are resistant to these concepts, because accepting them would mean that they too could be targeted. By rejecting these concepts, they get to crawl back into their safe space bubble of denial, where these symptoms are only due to mental illness.


/u/Alx__, /u/curiosity36, /u/ActivistEthos, /u/Daryatash, /u/Meimou, /u/stopstasi, /u/vteead, /u/zenzamboni.
Lynn of the KCSO jail mental health staff.
Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Carl Sagan.
These folks: fostered the /r/psychotronics community; inspired the "Dropped Cards" topic; gave insightful neuroweapon commentary; brought the "Moscow Signal" incident to my attention; told me that it's okay to live out of spite, and so I did; armed me with a faith-free worldview and the baloney detection kit of science.

Fuck yous/Jeers
- My mother's husband, a navy veteran, who triangulated manslaughter with extra steps, over and over, and for being such an inspiration for all the ways I will never, ever choose to be.
- The psychiatric establishment, who still treat "zapping" and "voices in the head" as only hallucinations and as purely delusional, decades after technology capabilities caught up with these hallmarks of mental illness.


Synthetic Telepathy

The act of two-way communication using a remote brain-computer interface (no touch, non implanted, or perhaps nanotech) to link an individual's "thoughts", to another individual or group/program. In the scope of this subreddit, it is being used in a covert, malicious, and deniable fashion, and not as a legitimate communications channel.

As of 2008, the US Army funded research into developing this technology, and as of 2014, synthetic telepathy communication has been established in a lab by sending EEG signals across the internet. There is an older technology called voice-to-skull that only works in one direction, by emitting pulse-modulated microwave band radiation to evoke audio in a target's head, which has been available since the mid-70s.

To achieve a two-way channel, brain-reading [1] is combined with a form of microwave hearing [2] (with directional phone analogy):

Electromagnetic energy is used to "illuminate" your brain (perhaps heterodyning your brain's EEG signals while passing through, or reflecting off), and the backscatter is decoded into strings of words, to get the "output" from a target (via brain-reading [1]; usually a phone's microphone).
For the "input", pulses of electromagnetic energy are remotely emitted that arrive at a target's cochlea (or temporal lobe) and the pulses are then translated into understandable speech in the brain (via the microwave hearing effect [2]; usually a phone's earpiece speaker).

The electromagnetic "illumination" may happen via continuous wave (perhaps satellite) or in miniscule pulses (perhaps cellular) that occur thousands of times per second, to facilitate a two-way audio channel, where anything can be piped through. Used maliciously, synthetic telepathy can be thought of as experiencing a nonconsensual hands-free mobile phone call, without the mobile device. Psychological warfare and impersonation tactics are often used, where the "caller"/"answering party" is not who they claim, or is being fabricated with a voice pack.

See also:
Synthetic Telepathy Capability

Auditory Illusion

The act of manufacturing electromagnetic waves/particles that are intended to be steered at the cranium, in order to evoke audio within the brain of a target, via direct stimulation of the cochlea or auditory cortex, or via bone conduction.

This technology is distinctly different from those that suffer from auditory hallucinations, as hallucinations are generated from within the brain, without external influence. Taking a medication that's intended to help treat those with hallucinations, will not help those being targeted with external electromagnetic technologies that evoke auditory illusions, that were crafted by a third party.

DARPA announced in 2012 that it was working on a 'Battlefield Illusion' capability set for the military, where many of the nervous system sensations described by targets are mentioned. It's now several years past the writing of that article, and DARPA isn't known for their track record of not delivering.
Since US citizens can now be labeled terrorists (via the 2012 NDAA), or simply because they could (because who is going to stop them), someone figured they may as well use covertly watchlisted citizens as "non-lethal" test subjects, because after all, the perpetrators don't kill the targets with the illusions, the targets kill themselves, because they are led to believe that the illusions are coming from within.

See also:
Auditory Illusion Capability
Patent US5159703A


An acronym for Voice-To-SKull, which is a technology that uses radio frequency and microwave band radiation (directed energy) to achieve the microwave auditory effect, which can make the target hear the operator's voice, at significant range.

There used to be a webpage from the US Army, that described these devices as: "Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports."

See also:
Directional V2K Capability
Patent US5159703A

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