Comments (16)

No Peaceful Paths

I've walked down every available avenue, in search of a resolution to being an unethical test subject for energy weapons, and there are none. Law enforcement and legal professionals will "help" you by assuming that you must be suffering from mental illness.

Patiently explain energy weapons, with undeniable sources, to psychiatrists and mental health professionals, and most will assume you're delusional and hallucinating, even when you have an engineering background and are explaining patented, decades old technology.
Politicians and government representatives will respond with deafening silence when you ask for the right kinds of help, and so will the media, and so will the military (with a honorable mention to the DIA OIG), and intelligence services, and investigation and security agencies.
Where is the proper channel?
What is the correct contact address?
Where's the civilian accessible task force?
Which division of what department can handle the reality of energy weapon abuses without assuming folks are losing their minds?
These resources DO NOT EXIST.
A conspiracy of coercion, or mass willful ignorance?
I understand now why some alleged targets of energy weapons turned to violence.
They asked for help and got none.
They asked for help and they were character assassinated as severely mentally ill.
They asked for help, and friends and family shot the messenger for daring to describe the realities of psychological warfare (yeah, it's scary).
They asked for help, and were instantly offered medication that doesn't work, because they were never suffering from a brain disorder.
They asked their representatives.
They asked the three letter agencies.

They were ignored. They were victim blamed. They were gaslit.
They were ruined with all the wrong kinds of "help".
They were forsaken.

Then society has the gall to act like they are angry for no reason.
Then ignorant fools act like the target is the delusional one.
Then they're viewed as psychotic, for raging against this broken machine.
Then they come to accept that violence sounds perfectly reasonable, when folks' heads are encased in sandstone.
Then they wonder, could some demolition break them free?

Psychology & Therapy

Instead of conceding that the times are changing, and that a few to several schizophrenia hallmarks are currently within the domain of modern technologies, the professional psychology community is largely unwilling to admit that there's any difference between targets of electromagnetic directed energy weapons, and paranoid schizophrenia sufferers.
Even many among the public are seemingly unwilling to read any subject matter on directed energy weapons, with a mysteriously firm belief that the subject matter is purely in the wheelhouse of schizophrenics, ignorant that the term is the widely accepted military designation of such technologies. When many of the diagnostic criteria associated with schizophrenia have been replicated and weaponized, why is society largely defaulting into an antiquated narrative?
Where is the sorting hat process, the double blind testing procedure, that can separate targets of unethical weapons testing, an externally inflicted detriment, from genuine schizophrenia sufferers, an affliction that's internal, from the mind?

The very real capabilities of directed energy are being revealed and deployed by US armed services, and yet misleading articles like Wikipedia's "Electronic harassment" page [commenting on the page's state in mid-late 2018. It has improved somewhat as of June 2019, as I transcribe this. However, the article is still filled with laughable disinformation peddled as objectivity, and is still misframed as an obvious psychological detriment.], have put forth the notion that being zapped with electromagnetic energy is a purely psychological mental health detriment.

I have to wonder how many folks, like me, plugged that very reasonable conjunction into a search engine, only to be disinformed by one of the web's most trusted sources of usually well-cited and accurate information.
How many went to a doctor or psychiatrist after being assured by Wikipedia that what was happening to them was certainly a form of mental illness?
How many got suicidally depressed and killed themselves, when their new medication didn't help them?
How many could have been saved with the mere inclusion of a "controversy/opposing arguments" header or section, or the acknowledgment that electromagnetic shielding materials are a hard science, and an industry-proven defense against electromagnetic fields and collimated beams of directed energy?
How many would still be with us, if they had known to surround themselves with conductive and permeable sheet metals, costing as little as two to three thousand dollars, for a bed sized enclosure?

It is reprehensible that there are professional psychologists that have taken a very real technology that was discovered in the 60s, and weaponized in the 70s (microwave hearing; V2K or voice-to-skull), and turned speaking about the patent for this technology, into a hallmark of mental illness.

Other horseshit hallmarks/criteria that are in need to being revisited and re-evaluated, given the capabilities of weapons systems being proliferated:

  • Complexity or complex "delusions", when I'm a senior IT professional that engineers solutions that harness highly complex networks of systems. I use object-oriented code to automate processes, and accurately use words/terms that many do not understand. No one would call me a schizo professionally for using too many IT acronyms at once.
  • IBS and other gastro-intestinal upset are described as a "bioeffect" of directed energy testing, that was released in a FOIA request. From personal experience in a previous apartment, I was feeling a heating sensation from below, through the floor of my upper story unit. The heating and my symptoms subsided when I laid down copper sheet metal, and stopped consuming Pepto-Bismol, which contains Bismuth.

These systemic flaws and rampant malpractice and the component parts of an invisible holocaust -- the widely under-reported suicide rate, which averages one thousand people, per state, per year. The media only seems able to report on being targeted, once a preventable tragedy has taken place, as with Cruz, the Vegas gunman, and the Navy yard shooter. Aside from the embassy staff, there has been no mention of the widespread suffering of targets, and when those targets ask for the right kinds of help: scientists, engineers, and media coverage, they receive only deafening silence from staunch assumptions about the requester's mental health. One has to wonder if many media outlets have already bent the knee to exotic threats, and never told anyone about it. Has the fourth estate been buried alongside the fourth amendment, and with them, countless others that could have been spared?

I hope to see the day when the involved technologies are behind glass in a vNext holocaust museum, and visitors are informed about exactly what prompted us to buy that nightmare. Where the surviving weapon remnants are re-purposed into consensual synthetic telepathy devices, and used to revolutionize therapy treatments.

Submission statement: I wrote this in KCSO jail, finishing two days before being transferred to Western State Hospital, for refusing my hearings in protest. Despite refusing all psychiatrists in protest, WSH went full establishment and proceeded to assume exactly what I'm calling out above.
Targets need to keep something in mind when speaking with psychiatrists: there is not yet a "unethical weapons testing target" category in their literature/paperwork/processes, and they will assume you to be paranoid/schizophrenic from the start. They will use anything you say against you, so keep your mouth shut and refuse treatment.
The lie of omission is your friend. When asked flavors of "do you hallucinate?", the correct/ethical answers are a firm 'No' and then stop talking. Do not attempt to explain electromagnetically induced sound/noise/illusions/pain, as the wrong assumptions will be made, and the wrong treatment will be administered.
Technology that can read folks minds/thoughts is apparently a classified secret still, so use this fact to your advantage. If you DO NOT SHARE what's on your mind, ZERO psychiatrists HAVE THE MEANS to say that you're withholding the whole truth. I choose to omit over allowing malpractice upon myself, and it's a shame that I'm unable to be more honest.


Politics & Elections

Potentially far more influential than election meddling through advertisements or leaks about candidates, V2K could be used as a powerful political tool via subliminal suggestions. The power level could be tuned to a whisper, or perhaps could be used only when folks are sleeping. Imagine how effective merely repeating phrases could be, to improve the public perception of candidates.
Alternatively, could some candidates be buried with deniable lies? Would we even be consciously aware that our opinions were being tampered with?

Have some candidates been threatened via V2K, with no way to call it out, without being assumed to be hallucinating and losing their perceived ability to lead? Without oversight or an effective check and balance, neuroweapon operators wield the power to make or break any political candidate. Is a modern Church committee possible, when those seeking answers can be abused and tortured into silence?

See also:
Deniable Coercion Capability

Department of Justice

We live in an era of directed energy weapons and neuroweapons, and an entire branch of the US government is defenseless and vulnerable to them, due to a complete lack of electromagnetically shielded courtrooms.
There is no way for a judge, court staffer, or prosecuting/defense attorney to call out coercion via V2K technologies without throwing away their career, with current attitudes toward such technology intact. There's no established method to sue a deniable/classified energy weapon program, with an unknown legal entity, and unknown responsible parties. The inevitable question is, "who is doing this to you?", and there is no way to answer. There is no physical location or lab needed, no names known, or faces seen.
The other instinct is to gather evidence, but detection/test/recording equipment is tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and legal fees would be in the same ballpark for a landmark, precedent-setting case/lawsuit. These financial burdens make the perpetrators/operators invincible to the non-wealthy, and invincible to a justice system that is unable to adapt itself to bad actors with energy weapon capabilities.
Folks would rightfully shit bricks if there were mobsters holding judges at gunpoint, while whispering into their ears, and yet, without electromagnetic shielding around our courts, this is essentially what we could be allowing to happen. Since the "gun" is far away, shoots invisible "bullets", and is wielded by an unknown adversary, the problem is out of sight, and out of mind.
Anyone calling attention to this gaping vulnerability is assumed to be delusionally paranoid and mentally ill. Where are the military and intelligence services consultants, and the federal funding to close this loophole? I suspect that this unsecured vector suits some folks just fine the way it is -- why would they give up their ability to change the outcome of crucial court cases? The operators may view the ability to intimidate judges/attorneys/courts as a feature, and not a bug. Fixing this may require a legion of JAGs wielding court-martials and an army of federal attorneys.
If not now, then when?
How many more squandered lives?

See also:
Deniable Coercion Capability

Regulatory Capture

The existing oversight mechanisms for the usual suspect of three letter agencies is horribly outdated when operators of energy weapon satellites and other networked, remote devices, do not need to be physically present at any location.
When contacting the Office of the Inspector General for any TLA, they will ask for the identity or those responsible, and for an address of the location where the questionable activity happened. This is an absurd requirement to move forward when those targeted by energy weapons have no way of knowing these things. The check and balance provided by the OIG may as well not even exist.
They expect civilians to purchase and operate spectrum analyzers and direction finding equipment? They expect us to know the names of the folks responsible for abusing targets, from the safety of a bunker? That is an impossible hurdle to clear.
OIG processes must be updated to cover programs that do not operate with known staff or sites. How does one provide oversight to lawless programs whose operators insist "do not exist"?

Stepping In With Both Feet

Our technology has advanced to a point where we now have capabilities that equal the alleged power of ancient deities. We can speak into folks' heads "from the heavens" via a V2K payload on an energy weapon satellite. We can create lightning, and if we wanted to, we could recreate the "column of fire" in Exodus with lasers, or a "talking burning bush" with pulse modulated directed energy weapons on satellites or aircraft. We can do wireless/remote brain-reading to recover "thoughts", and when combined with voice-to-skull, we have two-way synthetic telepathy, an ability once relegated to the realm of the divine.
Those willing to impersonate deities or holy figures, would have some believers eating out of their hands and willing to take orders and go on a "mission from God". With this great power comes great responsibility.
I've tried my damnedest to educate folks about these technologies, and most of them prefer to think that I'm mentally ill because of it. So instead of fighting a losing battle by trying to shovel their heads out of the sand, should we embrace their deeply held personal beliefs by stepping into a role whose very existence they cannot be mistaken about?

I'd define inerrant opinions as totalitarianism: inquisitors, creationists, fascists, and their ilk, and therefore I think deceiving them is ethical behavior.
Can our species afford iron age worldviews who wage holy wars with nuclear munitions? Can our planet afford to harbor climate change deniers? Isn't faith at the core of these issues? We are allowing opinion and belief to trump knowledge and science. I think faith is an incompatible poison in a sustainable future.

Do the faithful NEED to be controlled and manipulated to usher in peace and harmony? The concept of an afterlife allows believers to essentially give up on reality, and throw in the towel, instead of extinguishing a world on fire. It creates a perpetual attitude that that's somebody else's problem.
What if a man-made voice in their head, who they thought to be their deity, told them they'd burn in hell unless they adopted a sustainable lifestyle? What if jihadi warfighters were targeted with synthetic telepathy, and given a "spiritual awakening" experience, where their "prophets" guided them down a new path toward peace, education, and scientific inquiry? What if getting "Scrooged", with feigned time travel and invisible "spirits" and cloned NPC voices, was really a thing?

What about folks like me, who do not believe in an afterlife? Threats of an afterlife that will never come are not effective on us. What happens in society when life extension technology turns death into a possibility instead of a certainty? The threat or reward of an afterlife would cease to be a motivator for good behavior. My hope is that folks would stop pining for heaven, and instead work toward building a sustainable paradise on Earth.

As I write this in my jail cell, I have to wonder how effective laws and incarceration truly are at preventing bad behavior. If we are going to build a paradise, should we also fulfill the flip side of that coin, and build an underworld hellscape? One's paradise could also be another person's hell. How do you satisfy everyone? Sadists are people too, after all. Would they volunteer to staff shifts in an engineered Hades, like Disney imagineers for behavioral correction? If we are going to take on the role of shepherds of our own species, do we need the threat of a literal hell in our back pocket? Deterrents don't work unless you have the option on the table. What if that punishment wasn't permanent, has achievable exit criteria, and all activity was in a public record, as a warning to the others? It would no longer be a vague and muddy mythos, it would be an effective deterrent.

By combining the practically limitless headroom of cloud storage platforms, with wireless/remote brain-reading capabilities, we could have a ledger of everyone's actions. Wouldn't it be better, if instead of a "purgaTony" judgement, after someone has died, following a lifetime of perpetrating nightmares, we were able to halt their path of destruction?
What good is a punishment after the fact, if the crime is something like irreversible damage to the environment? The rest of us are still left holding the bill.
What good is swearing to tell the truth, when we can then proceed to lie our asses off?
We cannot be surprised when our societies adopt the rhetoric of our leadership, with blanket denials and "I do not recall"s. If we adopted tamper-evident memory (the brain kind) storage, swearing in with a hand on a holy book would be a thing of the past, and for good reason. Even without the intention to deceive, our memories are faulty, and are constantly being revised.

Although only usually known or accepted by targets of unethical testing of neuroweapons (and their operators), these technologies exist today.
It's time to choose.

Mass Disarmament

One by one, they will cut us down, with their familiar brays of "that person has lost their mind", themselves blind to the fact that they too are in the crosshairs, wrongly assuming that a spotless family history and a lifetime of good mental health would surely spare them from such a fate. They are sane, so they said nothing. I was silent among them, with the same assumption.

What many are unwilling to understand, is that the detriment does not come from within. The dark reality, too cruel and difficult to accept, is that the "affliction" can be inflicted upon anyone, without an ounce of justification -- because who is going to stop the perpetrators of such a technology?
Who has the means to stop them, and the motive? Are there any among the billionaire class, that these technologies do not serve the interests of? Covert and deniable directed energy is a key to retaining power. How could a revolution be victorious, in any appreciable way, if we cannot even accept that such technology exists, and has the capability of usurping any victor's true control of the spoils of battle? Why would we spill our blood for all the right reasons, just to be manipulated into the service of whoever has control of the neuroweapons? They were not political activists, so they said nothing.

Will there be enough of us left to band together, when they finally come for you? Will you accept the now familiar braying of "that poor person..", as your armaments, too, are stripped away from you, just as you had condoned, for the public safety?

Clearly you've started to hallucinate, as that is the only existing narrative. You obediently take the only accepted treatment, and your condition does not improve. More medication is prescribed without hesitation -- after all, the alternative explanation was so horrific that its proponents were locked away to prevent them from frightening the populace. They had the gall to suggest that an unknown perpetrator could cause this detriment, using bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, in a covert and deniable fashion.
You overhear a conversation in the hall, outside your room:
"Who would even do that, it's so unkind and unthinkable. No wonder they were locked up, scaring people like that with their delusional 'electromagnetic' nonsense words!".
You drift off to sleep, too medicated to do anything else, and certainly too incapacitated to reinforce a revolution. Now free to ignore elections with a disarmed and ignorant populace, the home of the brave crumbles to its knees, without a shot fired in protest.
An elite's magnum opus of directed energy and neuroweapons in action.

Perpetration & Victimhood

Many people are unable to accept that targets and operators of covert neuroweapons are not mutually exclusive groups.
Perpetration is perpetration.
Victimhood is victimhood.
However, some targets became perpetrators, perhaps not as operators of neuroweapons, but perpetrators of violent acts, psychological abuse, and severe bullying. While other targets agreed to become unpaid disinformation agents, in exchange for relief from their constant harassment.
What is your price? What would it take for you to bend your knee to a powerful adversary? An advanced persistent threat that can establish a two way audio channel to your head. Threats and coercion are commonplace when being targeted, and if they won't work on you, then perhaps they will work on the weakest links of your social circles.
What is their price? Is everyone you know, smart enough to resist promises that will never be fulfilled? Will an infinitely delayed promise of wealth have any one of your acquaintances eating out of the hand of a perpetrator, while swearing to you that they don't know what you're talking about?
Would they believe outrageous slander about you, and be ready to poison or attack you, just because an anonymous voice in their heads told them so?

Through these technologies, the insipid Mormon quip of "why would anyone just make that up" has been weaponized.
The response to that quip is -- because it works.
Because gullible and uninitiated/unaware folks eat it up without question.
They can be led to believe in the unseen, and can have the best of intentions -- while they are destroying a target's life with those good intentions.

The primary goal of this subreddit/guide is to prevent targets (victims) from becoming perpetrators. This resource is intended to serve as an inoculation of knowledge, that equips potential targets (everyone) and current targets with the tools, countermeasures, and education they need to survive, and to steer them away from tragic outcomes.
I hope to prevent the deaths of or injuries to innocents, and to put and end to mass shooting events that are triggered by the described technologies.
If Cruz and the Vegas gunman had been able to protect themselves from their "demons" and "agents", these tragedies would never have occured. How can they be reached and protected before their victimhood becomes unfixable perpetration?
Without trampling their civil rights, when they do take the right measures to defend/protect themselves, like I did.