Federal form submissions should include "just the facts" about your identity and a concise summary of what's happening to you. Use only the proper scientific names for capabilities being used.
Do NOT guess at the responsible party. You do NOT know.

Comments (26)

Wall of Shame

Central Intelligence Agency

Historical interest and research into extreme psychological manipulation techniques. Plausibly discovered that external ultrasound/radio/microwave energy influences the human brain and behavior (one early MKULTRA experiment was titled “Effects of radio-frequency energy on primate cerebral activity"). Plausibly partnered with the military to weaponize their brain and bioeffect research into man/vehicle-portable and satellite systems.
I asked them how civilians can avoid false diagnoses, in an age of deniable energy weapons. Silence in return.

US Air Force, Space Command

Directed energy directorate leads research and engineering for electromagnetic weapons systems. Launches, maintains, and provides access control to classified energy weapon satellite constellations. Plausibly iterated psychotronic research into long-range brain-reading and manipulation satellites.
I've contacted USAF bases for the proper channel to report directed energy incidents. Silence in return.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Curates lists of individuals that are then processed by other agencies and organizations. The FBI may not be aware of the end result, but their role is feeding the system of systems with identities that have been placed on these lists, often through dubious mechanisms (such as "has visited the website for Tails"). Those that have been selected for unethical testing with deniable directed energy weapons systems, are the folks then usually referred to as targets.
I've submitted grounded tips to the FBI several times. Silence in return.

City Police, County Sheriff & Courts

Willing to call hallucinations and delusion on anyone targeted with invisible energy weapons, because they have no tools to use, or precedent to follow, to say the call/report/order is anything but an individual suffering from a mental health crisis. They don't have access to spectrum analyzers, or have any way of recording what you're hearing or feeling, and those that COULD record such things (like the NSA and their signals intelligence tools), are unwilling or unable to provide the equipment and personnel to plausibly catch lightning in a bottle, by recording a signal that's intended to be deniable. Do NOT call 911. Do NOT engage courts. They CANNOT help you, if they were even sympathetic in the first place. This subject matter is so wildly over their heads, that their perceived "help" will probably even hurt or kill you.